Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Jesus Weeps

I often get frustrated with myself and the way I let my emotions control my life. I get frustrated, lonely, angry with myself and others. I hurt. I cry. And then I feel guilty because the reality is, I have a pretty amazing life. I've been given so much and protected from so much. What right do I have to cry over little frustrations or jealousies? The majority of people out there have to deal with way more challenging circumstances than I do. I know I need to stop focusing on myself but I constantly feel guilty because the pain never quite goes away. The loneliness is always there - that ever present underlying ache. My problems aren't even worth a fraction of the tears I have shed over them yet they still exist.

And then it hits me - God doesn't belittle our pain. Yes, there are greater issues out there but God never once discounts the pain and emotion that His creatures feel. In fact, He hurts with us. John 11:35 - Jesus wept. Why was Jesus weeping? He was mourning with Mary and Martha. He was hurting with them. He was sharing in their pain. Don't we, as fallen humans, act exactly the same way? When someone we love is hurting, no matter what the circumstances, even if they brought it on themselves, we hurt with them. We long to help them, to relieve their suffering. It's often physical pain we feel on behalf of those we love.  Do we really expect less of God?  God never discounts our pain. Even if He Himself has allowed it for our own good. He still knows it hurts. He understands. He hurts with us. He cries with us.

1 comment:

  1. . . . And He gives us a tiny taste of what it's like for Him, hurting for countless little humans throughout all time. He knows. Thanks, Anne!
