Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The First Step...

I love to write. I always have. It’s how I process thoughts and experiences. Writing things out and rereading them is one of the best ways for me to get to know myself. And when I begin to understand myself then I can begin to change who I am and line it up with who God wants me to be. Now, whether I am a good writer or not is a whole seperate question. The simple answer is no, but God has given me a love of communicating and I think somewhere in all the chaos that fills my mind there are actually a few intelligent, deep thoughts and if every once in a while I can capture one of those thoughts and type it out in a way that will encourage others than I believe I have a responsibility to do that.

I make no promises that I will fill these pages with wisdom or helpful advice. What I will fill them with is the amazing story of God at work in me. I believe that He has plans for me that I cannot even begin to guess at and unfathomable ways that He wants His glory to be shown in my life. This page is about Him, not me. And I hope as you read about my experiences and the lessons I am learning that it will encourage you in your walk and His story in your life will become more epic every day.

I know what you’re thinking. Okay, so it’s not about you yet you title this blog Anne’s Epic Journey. Isn’t that kind of self focused? That’s a fair question. But think about the word epic. To be part of something epic is to be part of something bigger than yourself. It’s a journey that will change the course of history. And that’s the point. It’s God’s story. It doesn’t get more epic than that. And yet He wants me to be one of the players in His story. I can’t see the whole picture; I can only see my little part in it. So that’s it: my journey in the most epic of all epic stories.


  1. Excited to see how God uses this new venture!


  2. Yeah! You did it! Look forward to seeing/reading what God is doing in your life.

  3. Wahoo! I'm looking forward to reading this! (And to talking to you about it IN PERSON in just a few minutes! :-)

  4. I'm definitely looking forward to reading this! Cool beans, Anne!!
