Thursday, September 20, 2012


It's official. I am a failure. I neglected to write yesterday and therefore my goal of blogging every day this month has failed. Now my natural tendancy would be to not blog anymore at all, after all, I can't possibly accomplish the goal so why do any work at all? It's amazing how often I follow that line of reasoning. I already ate unhealthy today so I'll eat a whole bunch more and start fresh tomorrow. I missed exercising today so I'll just skip the rest of the week and start again on Monday. I didn't read my Bible this morning and now the day's almost over so what's the point. I already spoke cruel words so why don't I just say everything that's on my mind and I'll learn to speak in love another day. It's amazing how much I don't do simply because I already messed up. When a child is learning to walk and they fall, how do we respond? "Oh you stupid child! How could you fall like that? Why can't you just get it right?" No, we say "Good job, you took a step, now try again." Yet how often do we berate ourselves when we fall? We failed once so we never try again. Or we plan to try again at some ambiguous point in the future. No! Now! Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year - NOW! Failure is not falling down. it's staying down. Get up and try again. You tried to walk and you fell. Welcome to being human. Now get off your bum and try again!

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