Sunday, September 2, 2012

What I Did this Summer Part 1

When you were a kid, what was the first thing your teacher had you do when you started school in the fall? Yep, the classic "What I Did this Summer" writing assignment. Seems like a good place to start. So for today here's a quick recap of the month of July.

July 1-15 brought one of my favorite summer traditions: working at summer camp. I have great memories of going to summer camp growing up and I have even better memories of serving at summer camp for the last several years. I have volunteered off and on since 1997, but 2012 marks my eighth consecutive year of cabin leading at Camp of the Risen Son.

I LOVE this part of my summer. I love the innocence of the junior campers, the drama of middle school, and the spiritual depth and maturity of High School. Yes, it's not always that simple. Every camp has it's share of drama and tears and sometimes my little girls are not nearly as innocent as I think they should be and sometimes I just want to put my hand over their mouth and tell them to SHUT IT!!! But no matter what the challenges, there are always unforgettable memories made.

One of my favorite things about camp the last couple years is getting to share the experience with my family. For the last 3 years, various family members have served at camp and my nephews and nieces are old enough to come as campers. This year there were 7 Robys at Junior camp!!! My brother and his wife served with me as cabin leaders, my dad helped in the kitchen and two nephews and one niece came as campers. I love watching my family fall in love with the same things I love and make great memories of their own. It brings me a lot of joy. But along with the joy of family, there was also some bitter-sweetness to this year. For many years there has been a consistency in the staff and several of us have come back year after year. Many of those faithful volunteers have moved into new phases of their lives (new babies, new jobs, new schools) and did not return to camp this summer. I experienced several moments when I was overwhelmed with sadness at not getting to serve alongside them and not being able to share the inside jokes that come with years of working together. At times I definitely felt like the old-timer. But there were also new friendships and new memories and new jokes and I was greatly blessed by the people I got to serve with, new or old!

Favorite memories this year include:
-Promising my cabin that I'd go polar bear swimming with them IF the entire cabin goes (banking on the fact that there's always one girl who refuses) and being woken up at 6:30 by 6 shivering girls in bathing suits.
-Being allowed to quiz with my cabin the last day of high school camp and quizzing out!
-Mud Ball - a new game invented by one of our staff because of the rain and the mud pit it created in the field. Think ultimate football...on your knees...with lots of lots of mud. 
And, of course...
-Bible Smugglers! Always a favorite game but I got a new perspective this year. For the first time ever, I got to play the part of the underground church.

The second half of July was pretty average, not a whole lot going on. I spent most of it house sitting out in the country. There was lots of wildlife to watch...deer, nutria, even saw a weasel a one point...a random goat roaming the property...but my favorite was sitting on the porch swing at dusk and watching the bats fly around. (I know that's kind of creepy but they fascinate me).

Speaking of bats, another July highlight was attending the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. (Like I said, I love watching bats...) 

Three other things worth mentioning: I ran my first 5k! Yes, I was pretty proud of myself. We held our second annual all girls food fight at youth group. There's nothing quite like being covered in mashed potatoes, oatmeal, pudding, jello, and noodles...especially when you dye them red, blue, and green! And  I celebrated another birthday including dinner with family and frozen yogurt with my best friend. Next time you see me you should ask me about the sweet gift I got from my family.

Tomorrow: What I Did this Summer Part 2 (I know you're excited but try to contain yourself...)

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